Video Clips


Below are sample clips of the videos found inside the Pattison Institute Membership and a list of current videos.

If you are a current member, click here to view videos in your library.



Unit 1 - Assessment Instruments

  1. Preparation for Instrumentation Practice
  2. Introduction to the Periodontal Probe
  3. Probing the Mandibular Arch
  4. Probing the Maxillary Arch
  5. Introduction to the ODU 11-12 Explorer
  6. ODU 11-12 Explorer - Mandibular Arch
  7. ODU 11/12 Explorer - Maxillary Arch
  8. Introduction to the 3A Explorer
  9. 3A Explorer - Mandibular Arch
  10. 3A Explorer - Maxillary Arch
  11. Testing for Mobility
  12. Furcation Probes

Unit 2 - Scaling Instruments

  1. Preparation for Instrumentation Practice
  2. Hand and Ultrasonic Scaling Stroke Comparison
  3. Introduction to Sickle Scalers
  4. Anterior Sickle Scalers
  5. Posterior Sickle Scalers - Mandibular Arch
  6. Posterior Sickle Scalers - Maxillary Arch
  7. Introduction to Universal Curets
  8. Universal Curets - Mandibular Arch
  9. Universal Curets - Maxillary Arch
  10. Introduction to the Gracey Curets
  11. Gracey Curets - Mandibular Arch
  12. Gracey Curets - Maxillary Arch

Unit 3 - Advanced Instrumentation

  1. Maxillary Furcation Scaling
  2. Mandibular Furcation Scaling
  3. Advanced Horizontal Strokes
  4. Deep Palatal Scaling